Wednesday, December 7, 2011

really been a long time......

7th december 2011... a day typically a usual one, don't know why but it felt like i should try to come back and blog... it used to be a good habit once i started doing but dont know how i got off the practice but never realised it has been more than 3 years i have discontinued blogging... sure noe why it feels "it really has been a long long time"... as the 3rd semester ends sure i ll put up some of good things that i can pen down after 24 december.... i should really be happy atleast i have made some time out to even think of blogging... dear friends i should really welcome my ownself... hope i can really join this soon :) :) miss blogging my mind... yes i do,... :) :)

Monday, January 7, 2008


Life is too Short
Pass by the wink of an eye
Grudges are the perfect waste of the faultless happiness
have to Apologize when its wrong
and let go of what we can't change…don’t expect to…
at time of need have to Take a chance
give everything
And then if we mislay should have no compunction
Life is too short to be unhappy !!
We have to take the fine with the appalling! But why?
Smile when we are sad
Love what ever we get
And always remember we should forgive and also forget
Have to be contented of what ever we get of our existence!!
Learn from our mistakes but never be repentant
People and fond hearts! changes and things can often go off beam!
But still always have to remember
That’s is the way our…


“Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.” That is what some one said for us to understand…and may be also to remember !!!